Information and Casting for You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown!
A fundraiser for South Milwaukee High School Theatre
Alumni and supporters of South Milwaukee High School Theatre are pleased to present You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown! January 13-15 at the South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center.

This production marks the third annual alumni and community fundraiser production for SMHS Theatre (Silent Sky, 2021; Rumors, 2022). Over the last couple years we have raised more than $2,000 for our theatre program with these productions despite the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are hoping to more than double that total with this production. We have been grateful to have the support and sponsorship of the South Milwaukee Performing Arts Council for our productions so far.
This year for the first time we are holding open auditions for the production for all six roles in the show. In addition, casting will not just be limited to SMHS alumni: it will also be open to current and former SMHS staff and South Milwaukee community members.
The purpose of these audition requirements is to make this as much of a community and SMHS showcase as possible to celebrate the performing arts in South Milwaukee and shine a light on the importance of theatre and performing arts in our schools and community.
Below you will find audition information and instructions for this production. If you are interested in volunteering for the production in any other capacity (set construction/painting, costuming, technical elements, concessions, music), or have any other questions, please contact SMHS Theatre director Tim Backes at
When: Saturday, August 20th, 10 a.m. to noon
Where: South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center (enter door 9, staff parking lot)
Eligibility: Anyone auditioning for the production must be:
- A South Milwaukee High School alumnus, OR
- A current or former SDSM staff member, OR
- An adult resident of South Milwaukee
Preparation: To sign up for an audition, email indicating your interest and you will receive an assigned timeslot for the audition day.
Please prepare a one-minute cut of a song of your choice in the style of the show. If you are having a hard time finding a song, you may also choose one of the audition options located in this Google folder. An accompanist will be provided.
Applications for the production are also available in the above folder. Please bring a prepared copy with you to your audition.
Callbacks: Some auditionees may be asked to perform an on-the-spot callback using one of the audition options placed in the above Google folder.
Video submissions: If you are unable to make the in-person audition date, you can instead submit a video audition. Please do so by 10 a.m. on August 20th and submit via email to
The following are the roles available for this production. Actors can be any age/race/ethnicity.
CHARLIE BROWN (m) – The main protagonist. Always tries to do his best, succeed and be kind to others, but often fails miserably in his pursuits. A frequent target of taunts from his peers, but also the subject of much affection.
SNOOPY (m/f) – Charlie Brown’s loyal dog with a vivid imagination and a ton of energy.
LUCY (f) – Charlie Brown’s brash and assertive friend. Offers psychiatric advice for just 5 cents. Frequently taunts and insults Charlie Brown but also occasionally shows empathy and kindness. Has a crush on Schroeder.
LINUS (m) – Lucy’s younger brother. Constantly attached to his blanket. Charlie Brown’s closest friend and confidant who frequently waxes philosophical.
SALLY (f) – Charlie Brown’s younger sister. Unlike Charlie Brown, she’s extremely confident and self-assured and lets nothing get in the way of her own success.
SCHROEDER (m) – Obsessed with Beethoven and classical music. Plays the piano (a miniature toy piano). The subject of Lucy’s infatuation.
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